Good Job 意思

這兩個最常見的說法還是不免俗地認識一下,直翻就是「好棒!」、「做得好!」,來看看可以怎麼用: the project seems great! 好好干;干得好 find a good job 中文翻譯 : 找到一份. A good job is a position that allows you to meet your basic needs, such as shelter and safety, while giving you the tools and resources to do your best. Great や excellent を使うと、相手を より一層ほめている 、という意味合いになります。.

good job 意思
dirty work是什么意思? 难道是指肮脏的、不正经的工作? 知乎

good job 意思. 别人回你 great job 的时候,先别急着高兴,先掂量掂量自己做的事到底值不值 great!. 這兩個最常見的說法還是不免俗地認識一下,直翻就是「好棒!」、「做得好!」,來看看可以怎麼用: the project seems great! A good job is a position that allows you to meet your basic needs, such as shelter and safety, while giving you the tools and resources to do your best. What is a good job? 一份好工作 be good at the job 中文翻譯 : 勝任這項工作 do a good job 中文翻譯 : 好好干,干得好; Good job是什么意思? good job怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词good job的释义、good job的音标和发音、good job的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握.

Used For Praising Someone For Something They Have Done Well.

You just did a remarkable job! 一份好工作 be good at the job 中文翻譯 : 勝任這項工作 do a good job 中文翻譯 : 好好干,干得好; 你剛剛做得太好了! = i like the way you handled.

好好干;干得好 Find A Good Job 中文翻譯 : 找到一份.

What is a good job? Good job是什么意思? good job怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词good job的释义、good job的音标和发音、good job的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握. A good job is a position that allows you to meet your basic needs, such as shelter and safety, while giving you the tools and resources to do your best.

Great や Excellent を使うと、相手を より一層ほめている 、という意味合いになります。.

游戏标题是good job,意思是“好工作”,但是当你开始游戏后发现,这是一个让你收拾烂摊子的游戏,应该叫make a good job. A good job 中文翻譯 : 幸運事; 這兩個最常見的說法還是不免俗地認識一下,直翻就是「好棒!」、「做得好!」,來看看可以怎麼用: the project seems great!

Used For Praising Someone For Something They Have Done Well.

Be good at the job中文翻译 胜任这项工. 别人回你 great job 的时候,先别急着高兴,先掂量掂量自己做的事到底值不值 great!.

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