沪江词库精选expiry date是什么意思、英语单词推荐、expiry date的用法、expiry date是什么意思及反义词、翻译expiry date是什么意思 The date when something (such as a credit card or driver's license) can no longer legally or officially be used expiration date 片語 contract expiry date 合同到期日 Expiration date的中文翻譯,expiration date是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯expiration date,expiration date的中文意思,expiration date的中文,expiration date in. As chris says, options in the financial.
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expiry date 意思. 沪江词库精选expiry date是什么意思、英语单词推荐、expiry date的用法、expiry date是什么意思及反义词、翻译expiry date是什么意思 The date at which a document, agreement, etc. Banks should discourage indication of the expiry date of the credit in this manner. Expiry date中文意思::失效期;滿期日;截止日期…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋expiry date的中文翻譯,expiry date的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 expiry date中文, expiry date中文意思 As chris says, options in the financial. Has no legal force or can no longer be used:
Has No Legal Force Or Can No Longer Be Used:
The food and drug administration believes covid vaccines are still being studied under investigational matters and they do not have fixed expiry dates. Expiry date中文意思::失效期;滿期日;截止日期…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋expiry date的中文翻譯,expiry date的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 expiry date中文, expiry date中文意思 沪江词库精选expiry date是什么意思、英语单词推荐、expiry date的用法、expiry date是什么意思及反义词、翻译expiry date是什么意思
The Date When Something (Such As A Credit Card Or Driver's License) Can No Longer Legally Or Officially Be Used Expiration Date 片語 Contract Expiry Date 合同到期日
Expiration date的中文翻譯,expiration date是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯expiration date,expiration date的中文意思,expiration date的中文,expiration date in. As chris says, options in the financial. The date at which a document, agreement, etc.
The Date At Which A Document, Agreement, Etc.
如同上述所說,有效期限的英文可以用 expiration date 或是 expiry date,這邊先來解釋一下單字的部分,expiration 和 expiry 都是 名詞 ,中文意思皆為「 到期、期滿 」,它. That is why the fda has. Expiry date的同義字the same although expiry date is more commonly used in the uk and expiration date is more commonly used in the us.|they both mean the same thing.
Has No Legal Force Or Can No Longer Be Used:
Banks should discourage indication of the expiry date of the credit in this manner. Store at room temperature, use before the expiry date indicated on the lablel. 1、expiry date:60 ct 10的意思是信用证有效期为2010年10月6号,一般后边还会有到期地点,最好加上受益人所在的国家。 2、只要在expiry date之前把单据之内的弄好交单就.
Bar 英 [bɑː(r)] 美 [bɑːr] n. The blonde sitting near the bar is so charming. 天才吧台 genius bar 吧台垫 bar mat 吧台吧椅 bar chair ; 参考例句: is there room at the counter? 台銀己亥豬年銀幣 7大通路限量銷售 ETtoday財經 ETtoday新聞雲 吧台 英文 . 吧台英文翻译 bar counter 酒吧英文翻译 37.bar...monkey; 吧台/冰箱英文翻译 wet bar / ice box. 吧臺刀 英文翻譯 : bar knife 吧臺椅 英文翻譯 : bar stool 酒吧臺 英文翻譯 : bar counter 小吧臺 英文翻譯 : mini bar 吧臺服務員 英文翻譯 : dispense bartender 家庭吧臺 英文翻譯. Jasmine, the blonde who was at the bar last night. The blonde sitting near the bar is so charming. On the rock (n.) 加冰塊; Mixed Drink (N.)調酒 Neat (N.)純飲; 吧台/冰箱英文翻译 wet bar / ice box. 坐在吧台那的那个金发女郎太迷人了。 can i see your bar. About cctv.com cctv.com is constantly updated with top news from china and around the world. On The Rock (N.) 加冰塊; Staircase 楼梯 washbowl 洗手台[台盆] aisle 过道 water faucet 水龙头. 吧台英文翻译 bar counter 酒吧英文翻译 37.bar...monkey; 吧臺刀 英文翻譯 : bar knife 吧臺椅 英文翻譯 : bar stool 酒吧臺 英文翻譯 : bar counter 小吧臺 英文翻譯 : mini bar 吧臺服務員 英文翻譯 : dispense bartender 家庭吧臺 英文翻譯. Jasmine 昨晚 在 你 吧台 的 金发 美女. Bar smo...
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