Trips 中文

The ride takes about an hour and 15 minutes. The motorcoach will arrive 20 minutes. Trip departure locations and times. Trip翻译:旅行, (通常指短途的)旅行,行程, 倒下, 绊,绊倒, 体验, (服用毒品后)产生幻觉, 奇怪的,有娱乐性的,令人激动的人(或经历), 失去平衡, 绊,绊倒, 移动, 轻快地走, 转动…。

trips 中文
旅遊學中文 Travel Chinese <旅遊>問路wùn lù _2

trips 中文. The ride takes about an hour and 15 minutes. The motorcoach will arrive 20 minutes. You can find anything from city breaks to shopping trips. Trip departure locations and times. 英 [trɪp] 美 [trɪp] n. (tripped , tripping ) 1.轻快地跑 [走];轻轻跳跃。.

Trip翻譯:旅行, (通常指短途的)旅行,行程, 倒下, 絆,絆倒, 體驗, (服用毒品後)產生幻覺, 奇怪的,有娛樂性的,令人激動的人(或經歷), 失去平衡, 絆,絆倒, 移動, 輕快地走, 轉動…。了解更多。

来源: 商务部世界贸易组织司(中国政府世界贸易组织通报咨询局) 类型: 编译 分类:政策. Hardees’ by military circle mall (5859 e. The motorcoach will arrive 20 minutes.

Bha Trips 中文翻譯 : 為改變底部鉆具組合而進行的起下鉆作業.

Thanks to the fact that. Virginia beach blvd, norfolk, va) note: If you are looking for day trips from nyc, then we’ve got you covered!

You Can Find Anything From City Breaks To Shopping Trips.

The ride takes about an hour and 15 minutes. Trip翻译:旅行, (通常指短途的)旅行,行程, 倒下, 绊,绊倒, 体验, (服用毒品后)产生幻觉, 奇怪的,有娱乐性的,令人激动的人(或经历), 失去平衡, 绊,绊倒, 移动, 轻快地走, 转动…。 The train’s destination will be faenza.

Any Member Availing Itself Of The Possibilities Provided In Article 6 Of The Berne Convention (1971) Or Paragraph 1 (B) Of Article 16 Of The Rome Convention Shall Make A Notification As.

英 [trɪp] 美 [trɪp] n. (tripped , tripping ) 1.轻快地跑 [走];轻轻跳跃。. Trip departure locations and times.

Trips Is Rockland County's Paratransit Bus Service For Residents With Physical, Mental, Developmental Or Intellectual Disabilities Or Senior Citizens Who Are Aged 60 Or Over.

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